Sunday, December 5, 2010

Movie: Me and Orson Welles

Directed by one of my favorite directors (Richard Linklater), this movie is about another director that I like very much (Orson Welles).  Set in the 1937 before Welles directed the great Citizen Kane, we get to meet Orson Welles through high school senior Richard (Zac Efron), who gets a minor speaking role in Welles's first production of Julius Caesar, set in fascist Italy.  Richard, a determined young actor, believes that his role in the play will make it big for him.  Also, he starts a romance with the administrative assistant Sonja (Claire Danes), not too bad for a kid his age.    

The real heavyweight of the film, is of course the great man Orson Welles himself, here played superbly by Christian McKay.  We see Welles the genius director and actor, both on the stage and the radio.  He has a clear vision in his direction, has a firm and uncompromising view of how things are run (my way or the highway).  He speaks with a tone with utter confidence, but with a huge ego and extreme vanity.  Bottom line was, he was not an easy person to work with.  However, there was something in him, whether it was the way he looked or the way he talked, that charisma, the people were still willing to put up with and continue to work with him.

The movie gives us not only a good look at Orson Welles's larger than life personality, but also a good peek into the workings of stage theater.  Ebert calls the film " one of the best movies about the theater I've ever seen."  I second that.

 「星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我」,在講高中生理查,因為對演戲充滿熱情和希望,到了紐約準備開張的Mercury戲劇院,成功地應徵上,得到了一個小配角。大家趕著要彩排的戲為沙翁的名戲「凱撒大帝」,而身兼導演,編劇,製作及演員等多職的,正是年輕的天才導演奧森威爾斯(Orson Welles)。這是理查的夢想,如果公演成功,還可讓他順利為演藝生涯鋪好路。 他也在戲劇團裡,認識了漂亮的助理Sonja (Claire Danes飾),兩人還產生出愛情的火花,似乎一切一帆風順…

這一年是1937年,Orson Welles還未在電台節目上廣播War of the Worlds (1939),因為效果太逼真,引起許多美國恐慌,誤以為地球真的被外星人攻擊了。這一年,他也還沒拍他的不朽電影「大國民」,直到今天仍被學者公認是美國影史上最重要的電影。這時的Orson Welles,雖只在廣播電台製作節目,但充滿野心的雄心壯志,是完全擋不住的。他有超人的體力,一天可只睡三小時。他有驚人的記憶,稿子看了過目不忘。他的談吐不凡,以及他的天才,是大家所公認的。可是,他是極度有自信的自大狂,而且一切事情都得照他的安排,沒有討論的空間,蠻橫無理。和他共事是一件準備飽受折磨,接受百般羞辱的事。但是,身邊的人,不管怎麼再恨他,也都會被他的才華和魅力所吸引。更重要的是,他們都深信,和Orson Welles正在一起打拼的戲劇藝術,是在創造前所未有的歷史的一部份。

這部片,是透過年輕的理查,使觀眾認識螢光幕後的大導Orson Welles。英國演員Christian McKay獨挑大樑,將Orson Welles完完全全地演活了。一舉一動,他講話的神情,從眼睛和嘴角流露出的自信,以及待人處事的狂傲的口氣,無不逼真。另外,這部片還很詳細地刻畫出劇院在演出日期前,大家瘋狂排練之餘,劇團成員私底下的互動。男人聊女人,女人聊八卦,然後大家在Welles背後的抱怨,是不是今天仍是這樣呢?大影評Ebert說,這是他看過有關戲劇院最好的電影,我也不得不贊同。

日前看到有台灣的網友在抱怨此片太沉悶,節奏太慢,故事沒啥重點。只能建議這些愛好電影的年輕朋友們,多去做點功課,去將1941這部經典「大國民」好好重頭到尾,有耐心地看一遍。被譽為美國影史上最有引響力的片,不是沒有原因的。今天電影裡習以為常的手法,都是Orson Welles的點子。這部片,就算今天看,價值仍不減。對Orson Welles的電影有一定的了解,再來看此片,相信得到的,將會更多。

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